The role of the EU QPPV is a challenging one, with the same requirements for all QPVs but lots of different ways to meet our obligations. As a result of feedback from previous years we are repeating this workshop for those EU QPPVs who are new to the role or need to refresh on the role, individuals thinking of taking on a QPPV role and those who support the QPPV. The session will be a pragmatic and interactive sessions focusing on providing an understanding of the QPPV role and the support required, the legal considerations for QPPVs and the practical issues facing QPPVs in a range of company sizes and types.
Program Committee
Elspeth McIntosh, MBA, RN Director
Castle Pharmacovigilance Ltd, United Kingdom -
Margaret Anne Walters Deputy EU Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance
Merck, Sharp & Dohme Ltd, United Kingdom
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