Spread the Word!
It's time to share your excitement about speaking at DIA Europe 2019! Below are images for you to use across your email and social channels.
Step 1: Right click on the image you want to use, then select "Save Image As..." or "Save Picture As..." to save it to your computer.
Step 2: Edit your email signature or start your social post "I'm excited to be speaking at #DIAEurope2019 in February! .... I hope you'll join me!"
Step 3: Copy this link https://bit.ly/2zhnZ68 and attach it to your post or your email signature image.
Step 4: Follow us on Twitter @DIA_Europe and #DIAEurope2019 to share all of the programme and conference feature updates!
Email Signature Banner:
Social Channel Post (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook):
Email Basel@DIAglobal.org if you need any more images or have any specific questions about sharing steps."