T 36: Reduce Training Redundancies to Improve Clinical Trial Efficiency
Poster Presenter
Rebecca Hummel
Quality Manager
CNS Healthcare United States
Redundant training continues to be a significant and unnecessary burden for the research sites that are otherwise most efficient and proven to be highly successful at conducting clinical trials, specifically those with years of experience in clinical trials.
CNS Healthcare Orlando, Jacksonville, Memphis. Initial rater training required by a protocol and performed during 2015 at these sites.
Repeat training was done a total of 210 times at these three sites over the course of one calendar year. If we assume an average training time of 30 minutes (and it is very often more – some of the scales require web-based modules and then recorded live interviews to be assessed by the rater certification company), that is 105 hours (or over 13 days) taken from activities such as recruitment, completing subject visits, entering EDC data. These are hours added on to the time it takes to complete the lifecycle of a clinical trial.